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For The Love Of Haiti

    Color of Hope launches For The Love Of Haiti Campaign

    A campaign to individuals who deeply care about people and the future of Haiti and are interested in raising funds to support and improve education as a way of creating a better future.

    For The Love Of Haiti

    Starting your own individual page will allow you a space to share your love for Haiti and your reasons for loving Haiti. Additionally, you provide a memorable, year round place for your friends and family to join and support the fight against illiteracy, poverty and hopelessness in Haiti. In a way, you are being part of history.

    For The Love Of Haiti

    If it’s not you, then who? If it’s not now, when? Make a contribution now or click on fundraise to join the campaign and help provide quality education programs, access to technology and more to the Haiti You Love.

    For The Love Of Haiti

    I am loving Haiti by raising support:
    To provide books to children & youth in Haiti
    To help produce educational materials in Creole
    To provide access to technology to youth and communities
    To sponsor a mini library for a community in Haiti
    To provide training for teachers and schools
    To provide access to modern day tools to communities.
    To help raise awareness about issues such as Restavek in Haiti
    To provide support/school supplies to students, teachers and schools
    To provide preventive health education programs/services
    To provide initiatives gear towards improving the mindset.

    For The Love Of Haiti

    For more information email us at [email protected] or call 561-877-1264

    Make a donation to help us meet our goal


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