
Give to Inspire 2024

You have the power to inspire and transform Haiti and now is the best time to get involved. Now is the time to invest in the next generation leaders Haiti needs. You have the power and Haiti needs it. Let’s Empower Haiti.
8% Funded
  • $2,160.00 Donated
  • $27,000.00 Goal
  • 4 Donors

About the Campaign

Haiti needs you now more than ever. During a time when things seem so difficult for Haiti and the Haitian people, we hope you will not stand idly by. But instead, you will join us to help continue to work for lasting change. Your contribution will help in our quest to improve education and digital literacy in Haiti. It will strengthen our efforts to unite the Haitian people and help transform Haiti. You have the power to help Haiti and we are counting on you. #IstandwithHaiti #GiveToInspire #InspireHaiti #EmpowerHaiti